================================================================DSAA 2017: The 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science andAdvanced Analytics================================================================The 4th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and AdvancedAnalytics (DSAA 2017), which is also supported by ACM and ASA, willtake place in Tokyo, Japan, in October 19-21, 2017. Please plan toparticipate. DSAA2017 will be an ideal place to learn thestate-of-the-art of Data Science and Advanced Analytics, meet peopleto exchange ideas and find opportunities to job matching. DSAA2017 isfeatured with two main Tracks (Research and Application), severalSpecial Tracks, Keynote talks, Trend & Controversies Panel, InvitedIndustrial talks and Tutorials.Please visit "https://www.dslab.it.aoyama.ac.jp/dsaa2017/" for thelatest information.- Date: October 19-21 2-5, 2017- Location: Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo, Japan- Advanced Registration and Accommodation: due to 10 SeptemberHighlight SummaryTechnical presentations: About 80 technical papers will be presented.in Research track, Application track and Special Session track.Keynote speech: Three distinguished speakers will deliver the keynote. Hiroaki Kitano (The Systems Biology Institute, Japan) Nobel Turing Challenge: Grand Challenge of AI, Robotics, and Systems Biology Michael I. Jordan (University of California, Berkeley, USA) On Computational Thinking, Inferential Thinking and Data Science Dr. Katharina J. Morik (TU Dortmund, Germany) Data Analytics for Data ScienceTrend & Controversies Panel: One of unique highlights of DSAA. Thisyear's theme for discussion is "Trust". Specific focuses range from 1)the privacy and transparency issue, 2) the fairness between those whoown the data and those who do not, 3) the discrimination caused by bigdata analysis, 4) model generalization capability, i.e. How can wetrust the outcome of our mining results? How can we trust the modelused, e.g. deep learning, etc.? Speakers and panelists include Dino Pedreschi (University of Pisa, Italy),Katharina Morik (TU Dortmund, Germany), Hesuan-Tien Lin (NationalTaiwan University and Appier, Taiwan), Ying Li (DataSpark Pte. Ltd., Singapore).Invited Industrial Talks: Financial sponsors and selected speakersfrom industries will give their visions on data science and dataanalytics. Speakers include Yanjun Ma (Baidu, China),Wenuan Dai (The4th Paradigm Data & Technology Co., Ltd., China), Shichiro Saito(Financial Engineering Group).Organizing Committee of DSAA2017General Chairs  Hiroshi Motoda (Osaka University, Japan)  Fosca Giannotti (Inf. Sci. and Tech. Inst. of NRC at Pisa, Italy),   Tomoyuki Higuchi (Inst. of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)Program Chairs  Research Track   Takashi Washio (Osaka University, Japan)  Joao Gama (University of Porto, Portugal) Application Track  Ying Li ( DataSpark Pte. Ltd., Singapore)  Rajesh Parekh (Facebook. USA) Special Session  Huan Liu (Arizona State University, USA)  Albert Bifet (Telecom ParisTech, France)  Richards D. De Veaux (Williams College, USA)T&C Panel Chairs  Pau-Choo (Julia) Chung (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)  Geoff Webb (Monash University, Australia)  Philip Yu (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)  Bart Goethals (University of Antwerp, Belgium)Invited Industry Talk Chairs  Hang Li (Huawei Technologies, Hong Kong)  Matsuo Yutaka (University of Tokyo, Japan)Tutorial Chairs  Vincent Tseng (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)  Zhi-Hua Zhou (Nanjing University, Chian)Best Paper Award Chair  Bamshad Mobasher (DePaul University, USA)Next Generation Data Scientist Award Chairs  Kenji Yamanishi (University of Tokyo, Japan)  Xin Wang (University of Calgary, Canada)Travel Awards Chair  Zhexue Huang (Shenzhen University, China)Publicity Chairs  Tu bao Ho (Japan Advanced Inst. of Sci. & Technol., Japan)  Diane Cook (Washington State University, USA)  Marzena Kryszkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technol., Poland)Local organizing chairs  Satoshi Kurihara (University of Electro-Communications, Japan)  Hiromitsu Hattori (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)Publication Chair  Toshihiro Kamishima (Nat. Inst. of Advanced Indust. Sci. & Technol., Japan)Web Chair Kouzuo Ohara (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan)Sponsorship Chairs Kiyoshi Izumi (University of Tokyo, Japan) Yoji Kiyota (LIFULL Co. Ltd., Japan) Tadashi Yanagihara (KDDI Research, Japan) Longbing Cao (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) Byeong Ho Kang (University of Tasmania, Australia)